Order Now and save money TODAY while supplies last! You may redeem the voucher and take your Fortinet NSE exam later by the expiry date.
Fortinet NSE Certification & Discount
The Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) Certification program has been carefully crafted and researched over several years to address the rapidly evolving threat landscape as well as job-market needs. Our primary objective is to satisfy both current and future requirements, ensuring that the NSE Certification program remains at the forefront of network security expertise.
The updated NSE certification program includes three main levels: Fortinet Certified Professional (including FCP, NSE 4, NSE 5 and NSE 6 exams), Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist (including FCSS and NSE 7 exams) and Fortinet Certified Expert (including FCX and NSE 8 exams).
As of October 1st, 2023, and in accordance with the updated NSE certification program, Fortinet exam pricing is as follows:
For all certifications that require 2 exams, each exam price is $200; such as all FCP, NSE 4, NSE 5, NSE 6 exams, and eight FCSS/NSE 7 exams below:
SuperVoucher is your best choice to buy Fortinet NSE certification exam vouchers. We sells discounted Fortinet NSE exam voucher to let you SAVE MONEY immediately on your Fortinet NSE certifications.
Fortinet NSE Exam Vouchers
Fortinet NSE Exam Voucher is also known as Fortinet NSE Test Voucher, Fortinet NSE Exam Voucher, Fortinet NSE Discounted Voucher, or Fortinet NSE Voucher Code.
Fortinet NSE Exam Voucher is a discounted,
pre-paid payment code that you purchase ahead of time for
less money than you would pay at the vendor's website. Using a discount
Fortinet NSE voucher is a great way to save money on your Fortinet NSE certification and SuperVoucher
saves you the most.
How To Use the Voucher & Take the Exam
Fortinet NSE exams are handled by Pearson VUE. You may take the exam onsite or online proctored.
You may go to https://home.pearsonvue.com/fortinet to register your onsite or online proctored exam. If you don't have a Pearson VUE account for Fortinet yet, you can sign up there.
You will use Fortinet NSE exam voucher as your payment when registering your exam. The Voucher Number or so-called Voucher Code is all you need to register and schedule your exam. You don't have to pay any extra fee.
Redeemable Country
Fortinet NSE Voucher is valid in the country you select below.
Select the country in which the voucher is to be redeemed: %>
Exam Voucher
Voucher Expiry
Fortinet FCP/NSE4,5,6 Exam Voucher (VUE)
Fortinet FCP/NSE4,5,6 Exam Voucher (VUE, Early Expiry)
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $200 Exam Voucher (VUE)
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $200 Exam Voucher (VUE, Early Expiry)
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $400 Exam Voucher (VUE)
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $400 Exam Voucher (VUE, Early Expiry)
Fortinet FCX/NSE8 Exam Voucher (VUE)
Fortinet FCX/NSE8 Exam Voucher (VUE, Early Expiry)
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $200 Exam Vouchers can be used for the following eight FCSS/NSE7 exams:
Fortinet FCSS/NSE7 $400 Exam Vouchers can be used for all FCSS/NSE7 exams, except the above eight FCSS/NSE7 exams.
Prices All In US Dollar.
Exam vouchers, study guides, and all training materials are
non-exchangeable and
non-refundable. Also, the voucher expiration date cannot be extended. Please read the Fine Print before the purchase.
Fortinet NSE voucher will be delivered through email in 12 hours. One voucher is good for one exam only.