About GMetrix
GMetrix was founded in 2006 by a management team with over 30 years of experience in the computer and IT training industries. GMetrix online practice tests for MOS, MTA, Adobe ACA, and Autodesk ACU certifications are designed to replicate the certification exam experience so test takers can better prepare themselves for test day. The practice tests use the same exam format as the certification exams and are mapped to the certification objectives so a test-taker is assured that he/she is learning and practicing the skills that will help him/her pass the certification exam.
GMetrix Practice Tests provide the following Key Features:
- Performance-based technology similar to the certification exams offers an authentic certification exam experience
- Two levels of preparation - Training Mode and Testing Mode - giving test-takers self-paced learning and a testing experience that's just like sitting for the actual exam
- Training Mode provides feedback on each question, step-by-step instruction, and an exhaustive set of questions covering all objectives
- Testing Mode provides a testing experience (including time limitations and interface) nearly identical to the certification exams that assesses initial skills or certification exam preparedness
- Detailed, printable score report highlighting areas requiring further review
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GMetrix Practice Tests for MTA, MOS, IC3, ACU, and ACA Certifications